Thursday, October 2, 2008

NYC MArathon 2008 Results-What about Beth Stern ?

Wow, what a race ! Perfect conditions with 40 degree temperature and 15 mile an hour winds.

Marilson Gomes dos Santos made a dramatic move as the race entered Central Park to win this year’s race in 2:08:43. 
His last mile he blew away his sole competitor with a 4:47, running so strongly that Goumri (2nd place) had no response when Gomes passed him as they ran down Central Park South. He finished  24 seconds behind.
Gomes grabbed a Brazilian flag after he crossed the finish line. When he won in 2006, he was the first South American runner ever to win here.

Britain’s Paula Radcliffe won the women’s race in 2:23:56. I am amazed at how close the women's times are getting to the men's.
Question: Anyone know how Beth Stern formally Beth "O" the new wife of Howard Stern did in her marathon debut. Howard discussed it quite a bit on the Sirius radio show. Hope she had a positive, fun and Baba Boey experience.
I think back to my 3:32 Marathon time. I was pain and sore for a week but I loved the entire experience. I plan on running in January 2009 at the Carlsbad Marathon and Half Marathon. In and Out Burgers and fries (once a year treat) after the race :-)
Special thanks and citation to the NY Times™ and Lynn Zinser for the picture and race information.

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